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Implementing Robotic Process Automation Across Government

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MCCi Solution

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Take an In-depth Look at How RPA Benefits Government Ops

Many state and local governments perform business activities and workflows on legacy databases, applications, and infrastructures, creating challenges that are tough to combat. Staff shortages only compound the larger issues. We understand government employees are under increasing strain as the need for urgent citizen services rise.
Robotic process automation (RPA) gains significant traction as government organizations pivot to streamline operations, serve the public more effectively, and save money. Contrary to popular misconceptions, RPA, known as digital workers, does not replace humans. RPA enables the automation of repetitive tasks and allows humans to focus on other aspects of their jobs, returning hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into the organization.
This white paper covers the following topics:
  • Trends and challenges driving the need for RPA
  • How intelligent RPA helps governments
  • Transformed records management for PD
  • Key differentiators among RPA solutions
  • ID verification and reconciliation
  • Complex calculations
Complete the form to download our white paper, “The Digital Civil Servant Arrives: Implementing Robotic Process Automation Across Government.”