Higher Education

Transform your campus operations to serve your faculty, staff, and students better.

Ready to simplify your processes?

team working on projects digital graphic illustration
MCCi Solution

Transform Operations Across Your Campus.

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The business office is responsible for campus-wide operations, whether on-campus or remote. The continued challenge of budget cuts has many colleges and universities consolidating systems to cut costs and do more with less. We are here to empower you to do that!


Why Choose to Automate Processes?

The examples below show why higher education institutions work in paperless environments!

Registrar Forms

Simplify student forms and improve responsiveness through electronic solutions.

Accounts Payable

Drive compliant and accelerated accounts payable through integrated workflow automation.

Accounts Payable

Human Resources

Achieve efficient employee lifecycle management and reduce the manual burden on staff.

Human Resources

Contract Management

Track contract versions and facilitate transparent communications.

Contract Management


Employment Application Automation

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Before process automation started for human resource departments, PDF applications were housed online and it required applicants to print out a paper copy to either mail, email, or hand deliver the form to the personnel office. Recruiters frequently ran into problems while reviewing the applications because potential hires did not always complete it in full โ€” including all relevant documents, fields, and more โ€” thus slowing down the overall review process. As HR teams began to automate their process online, staff can finally focus on converting personnel files electronically for review and onboarding.