Create a Better HR Onboarding Experience

Our Laserfiche + NEOGOV integration puts the “Human” back in Human Resources—because you didn’t go into HR so you could spend your days doing paperwork.

Laserfiche + NEOGOV

team working on projects digital graphic illustration

Unmatched User Experience with Seamless Integrations

Whether you have a new application with a published API or a legacy system without any options, we find a way to integrate your solutions.

Eliminate Manual Tasks

Transfer documents into Laserfiche in seconds. You don’t have to set up folders, print, or scan.

Positive Onboarding Experience

Say goodbye to month-long onboarding that frustrates new hires. Fewer manual processes mean happy employees who are ready to work faster.

Reduce Compliance Risks

HR employees face strict regulations. But Laserfiche helps you stay in complete compliance. Control who has access to records and automate retention and destruction timelines.

Centralize Document Management

Workflows allow you to automate file naming, metadata, and storage for consistency and ease of access.

Experience seamless and time-saving human resources paperwork with the NEOGOV integration and Laserfiche. Streamline your HR processes using Insight and Onboard, with more applications on the way.

  • Automate creation of personnel folder structures
  • Workflows notify employees of new hire
  • Upload records and images from new hires on desktop or web
  • Import personnel files and metadata from NEOGOV
  • Automate records retention schedules

See it in action!