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5 Ways to Leverage Laserfiche for Remote Operations

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MCCi is committed to putting our clients and employees at the center of all we do. The health and safety of our employees, clients, and business partners continue to be our number one priority.

The one common thread across all MCCi solutions is the focus on providing digital access to records, as well as business process automation. We know you heavily depend on us when it comes to Business Continuity. In this light, please know that we are here for you during these challenging times.

MCCi enacted our internal Remote Work and Disaster Recovery Plan to ensure continued operational support of your organization. A large portion of our team is already remote and spread across the country.

Our corporate office is prepared to work remotely and available to provide the service and support you have come to rely on at MCCi. We are here to support your business continuity efforts so you can be there for your stakeholders.

We are sensitive to how COVID-19 may be affecting your organization. MCCi is your trusted partner to make sure you are taking advantage of your solution to the fullest to serve your constituents and clients.

"Many organizations are preparing to telecommute, and we want to provide you with some ideas on how to quickly leverage your Laserfiche solution in the event your staff needs to work remotely."

5 Steps to Leverage Laserfiche for Remote Operations


- Internet Connection
- Laserfiche Content Services

Getting Started:

Step 1 : Schedule a System Check Up
Make sure your system is in tip-top shape! You may contact our technical support team to schedule a system review. This one-hour review will provide a quick list of any items that should be immediately addressed, such as back up procedures, indexing, and mor
Step 2 : Access Laserfiche with Web Client
Laserfiche is available through the web client, in addition to the thick client. You can set up a VPN and access all systems remotely.
Step 3 : Create an Electronic Form for Approvals
If you are already using the automation tools of Laserfiche, you can quickly create processes to automate approvals that are still paper-based. For example, create an electronic form to facilitate invoice approvals. This process would be a short-term fix if you were doing this manually.
Step 4 : Read-Only Access to Records
Do you have users with access to Laserfiche that do not take advantage of it? Now is the time to recommend they utilize it for read-only access.
Step 5 : Rapid Laserfiche Training
Thatโ€™s all great, but how do you train users quickly? The MCCi LMS is a great way to take short training videos on features like how to search for records in the system.
Not a Laserfiche user? Looking for a solution that will allow you to go paperless, streamline business processes and improve business continuity? Contact us today.