For a few boxes of records here and there, it’s fine to take the DIY approach to scanning or delegate the task to an intern.
But if your organization has large-scale scanning needs, records containing sensitive data, or a history of poor records hygiene (no judgement!), turn to our experts at MCCi.
We do more than just create image files. We act as a partner for modernizing and digitizing your business operations.
Read on to learn about the MCCi difference—what we scan, how we scan it, and the results you can expect.
What is Our Scanning Process?

What Do You Get Back?
Crisp, clear images as TIFF, PDF, or other file type
OCR text and metadata customized to your needs for easy search and retrieval
Organized files ready to be imported to Laserfiche or another content management software

What Document Formats Do We Accept?
We can digitize virtually any type of document, including:
Regular size files up to 11X17”
Oversize documents such as blueprints
Microfilm and microfiche
Bound books
Double-sided, stapled, highlighted, annotated, damaged
The MCCi Difference
Why choose MCCi over another scanning company?
- We have 20+ years’ experience scanning sensitive documents. We maintain chain of custody, and everyone who encounters your records undergoes background checks and HIPAA and CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) compliance training.
- You get unparalleled image quality.
- Indexing and metadata make searching documents easy.
- We can import organized documents directly into your Laserfiche system.

Ready to future-proof your organization and retrieve files in minutes instead of hours?
Learn more about how our scanning services empower innovation and efficiency or contact us to discuss your scanning needs today!