Our leadership and team members virtually attended Laserfiche’s Solution Provider Winners Circle, the premier event to recognize top Laserfiche providers worldwide.
“This is MCCi’s 18th year as a Laserfiche solution provider. We are proud to partner with a product that shares the same client-centric mission as our leadership. This common mission is important to our team and our clients.”
Donny Barstow, President & CEO, MCCi
Typically, the Laserfiche Solution Provider Winners Circle is hosted in various destinations in Southern California. While this year’s experience was quite different, that did not stop the excitement or celebration.

We are proud to be the recipient of multiple coveted awards once again! We are the Diamond Level Laserfiche Solution Provider for the second year in a row. This award recognizes extraordinary growth achievements and is the highest honor for a Solution Provider.
In addition to this immense honor, Laserfiche presented us with the Chairman’s Award, which recognizes the top Solution Provider for new sales. Read about our 2020 Winners Circle awards.
“These awards reflect our commitment to our clients and our drive to free people from manual business processes so they can grow – personally and as an organization,” stated Barstow.